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Search Results for: pancreas


Definition noun, plural: pancreases or pancreata A tongue-shaped glandular structure involved in the secretion of fluid... Read More

Sugar Homeostasis

Blood Sugar Regulation As described in Cell Biology tutorials, the body requires volumes of glucose in order to create ATP.... Read More


Homeostasis is the tendency not to stray from the range of favorable or ideal internal conditions. Such conditions must be... Read More

Islets of Langerhans

Definition Cell clusters in the pancreas that form the endocrine part of that organ; secrete insulin and other hormones.... Read More


Definition noun A polypeptide hormone secreted by the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas to regulate the... Read More

Digestion and Absorption of Food

The gastrointestinal (GI) system includes the gastrointestinal tract (mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine,... Read More


What is the Peritoneum? The term peritoneum refers to the serous membrane that constitutes the biologically active inner... Read More


Definition noun plural: glycogens gly·co·gen, glī′kə-jən A multi-branched polymer of glucose, mainly produced in... Read More


Definition Of Organ An organ is a collection of tissues that carries out a function or set of related ones. An organ often... Read More

Independent variable

Independent Variable Definition To define an independent variable, let us first understand what a variable is. The word... Read More

Pancreatic lipase

Definition noun, plural: pancreatic lipases A pancreatic enzyme that splits dietary fats by hydrolyzing triacyglycerol... Read More


Definition noun A peptide hormone (3485 D) produced by the alpha cells of the pancreas, and acts by stimulating the... Read More


What is Glycolysis and Why is it Important? Glycolysis is a metabolic pathway by which the 6-carbon molecule of glucose is... Read More


Glucose occurs naturally and is ubiquitous. It is one of the three most common monosaccharides; the other two are fructose... Read More


Chorion Definition The chorion is a membrane that develops around the developing fertilized egg. It begins to develop... Read More

Pancreatic juice

Definition noun The transparent fluid secreted by the pancreas composed mainly of water, electrolytes, and... Read More

Genetic Control – On and Off Genes

Reviewed by: Mary Anne Clark, Ph.D.This lesson looks at the various factors involved that affect growth and... Read More


Lipogenesis Definition Lipogenesis is the process of producing lipid or fat to store biochemical energy for later metabolic... Read More


Assimilation Definition What is assimilation? Assimilation in biology is defined as the process in which living organisms... Read More

An introduction to Homeostasis

Researched and Written by Jonjo MinnsSubmitted to biologyonline.com on February 25, 2009.Published in biologyonline.com... Read More


Sugar Definition The term sugar is the generic term for any disaccharides and monosaccharides. Sugars are an essential... Read More

G cell

Definition noun, plural: G cells The cell that secretes gastrin, and chiefly located in the stomach and... Read More

Endocrine gland

Definition noun, plural: endocrine glands Any of the ductless glands secreting hormones that are released directly into... Read More

Predisposing factors

All organisms can be born with or develop a disease at any point in their lifetime. When someone is born with a disease, it... Read More

Regulation of Organic Metabolism, Growth and Energy Balance

Organic Metabolism Events of Absorptive and Post-absorptive States. The absorptive state is the period during which... Read More


Definition noun, plural: estrogens A sex steroid hormone produced in large quantities chiefly in the ovaries in females;... Read More

Prolactin-releasing hormone

Definition noun, plural: prolactin-releasing hormones A polypeptide hormone originating in the hypothalamus, and whose... Read More


trypsin (Science: enzyme) serine protease from the pancreas of vertebrates. Cleaves peptide bonds involving the amino groups... Read More

Cell differentiation

Cells are often described as the building blocks of life as they are the smallest unit used to build up organisms. Cells can... Read More


A biological cell is composed of many components called organelles. These organelles serve their specific purposes to make... Read More


Isozymes (also known as isoenzymes) are enzymes that differ in amino acid sequence but catalyze the same chemical reaction.... Read More


Definition noun, plural: mucins Any of the class of glycoproteins found in mucus (e.g. saliva, gastric juice, etc.) secreted... Read More

Cuboidal epithelium

Definition noun, plural: cuboidal epithelia An epithelial tissue comprised of cuboidal epithelial cells, and is involved in... Read More

Feedback mechanism

Feedback Mechanism Definition What is a feedback mechanism? A feedback mechanism is a physiological regulation system in a... Read More

Silent mutation

A mutation is a change in the nucleotide sequence of a gene or a chromosome. When there is only one nucleotide involved, it... Read More

White adipose tissue

Definition noun, plural: white adipose tissues A type of adipose tissue found in mammals used to store energy and acts as... Read More

Simple squamous epithelium

Simple Squamous Epithelium Definition Simple squamous epithelium, also known as simple squamous epithelial tissue or... Read More

Tuber omentale

tuber omentale An eminence on the visceral surface of the left hepatic lobe to the left of the fossa for the ductus venosus,... Read More

Simple cuboidal epithelium

Definition noun, plural: simple cuboidal epithelia Simple epithelium composed of cuboidal epithelial cells Supplement A... Read More


An enzyme is a biomolecule that can be synthesized biologically (naturally occurring) or through other processes... Read More