44 results found

Search Results for: prevalent


Prevalent Definition We can define "prevalent" as the most commonly found, being dominant or widespread, or describing the... Read More


Phosphate is an essential inorganic compound composed of a phosphorus atom bonded to four oxygen atoms. This molecular... Read More

Darwinian fitness

Darwinian Fitness Definition Darwinian fitness refers to the measure of an individual organism's or genotype's reproductive... Read More

A Look Into Natural Selection and its Mechanisms

Charles Darwin is credited with outlining the fundamentals of evolution. He was a smart and eager pupil and protégé, and... Read More

Adipose tissue

Adipose Tissue Definition Adipose tissue, a specialized variety of connective tissue, is composed of lipid-rich cells known... Read More


Cells often go through many divisions before they become a part of an organism’s genetic make-up. This leaves room for... Read More


What are Pathogens? Pathogens are defined as microscopic organisms, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites that... Read More


The building block of living things is known as the cell. The cell contributes to many parts and functions of different... Read More

The Psychobiology of Hysteria

EditorialHysteria is often regarded as the archetypal psychodynamic illness. Freud carried out much of his early work on... Read More

Inhibitory postsynaptic potential

Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential Definition An inhibitory postsynaptic potential is a type of synaptic potential. It is... Read More


Epistasis Definition What is epistasis in genetics? How does epistasis occur? The epistasis definition, in biology, refers... Read More


Protist Definition What is a protist? All protists are eukaryotes, i.e. organisms with a nucleus. However, they are... Read More

Feedback mechanism

Feedback Mechanism Definition What is a feedback mechanism? A feedback mechanism is a physiological regulation system in a... Read More

Facultative anaerobe

Facultative Anaerobe Definition What does facultative anaerobe mean? Facultative organisms are the most adaptable... Read More


Polymorphism Definition The occurrence of two or more different forms or morphs in the population of a species is referred... Read More

Endosymbiotic theory

A eukaryotic cell is distinct from a prokaryotic cell by the presence of membrane-bound cellular structures called... Read More


Chemotroph Definition A chemotroph refers to an organism that obtains energy mainly from carbon dioxide and from... Read More

Nervous tissue

Nervous Tissue Definition Nerve cells (or neurons) and their associated cells, such as neuroglia cells, make up nervous... Read More


Producer Definition Producers are organisms that can produce organic matter using an external energy source. They include... Read More

Yellow fever virus

Definition noun, plural: yellow fever viruses A Flavivirus species containing positive-sense, single-stranded RNA with about... Read More

Dense regular connective tissue

The dense connective tissue is a type of connective tissue proper that consists predominantly of fibers, especially type I... Read More

Pioneer species

You might have come across news of some barren lands turning into luscious grasslands or forests after decades? Or you might... Read More

Immunoglobulin A

Definition noun An immunoglobulin (antibody) that is characterized by its α-heavy chain, and its prevalence in mucous... Read More

Human milk oligosaccharide

Definition noun plural: human milk oligosaccharides An oligosaccharide that occurs in high concentrations and exclusively... Read More

Wuchereria bancrofti

Definition A species of the family Onchocercidae that infects the lymphatic system and causes lymphatic... Read More


Immunoglobulin Definition An immunoglobulin is a globulin molecule produced by the immune cells, for the body's defense... Read More

Reproductive system

What is the Reproductive System? The reproductive system of an organism is the biological system made up of all the... Read More

Missense mutation

What is a missense mutation? Literally speaking, a mutation that changes the meaning of the encoded gene sequence is the... Read More


Definition noun, plural: humors (physiology) A fluid or a semifluid of an animal body, particularly those located within the... Read More

Law of biogenesis

Law Of Biogenesis Definition Law of Biogenesis states that life arises from pre-existing life, not from nonliving matter.... Read More


The word "leaflet" is defined as one of the individual leaf-like structures comprising a compound leaf. A quick look at a... Read More

Dominant species

Dominance is the state of being supreme or dominant. Community dominance refers to the form of dominance where certain... Read More


Inbreeding is a type of breeding or mating where closely related individuals with a common ancestor produce progenies with... Read More

Lethal mutation

Lethal Mutation Definition Genetic mutations come from changes in the DNA structure or sequencing in an organism. Often... Read More


Vector Definition When one thinks of vectors one may think of many different things. This is because a vector can be... Read More

C4 plant

Carbon fixation is a process of taking carbon dioxide in order to synthesize sugar, such as glucose. Thus, carbon dioxide is... Read More


What is Lanugo? Lanugo is the delicate and downy hair that covers a fetus within the uterus (womb). It is very fine hair.... Read More


When we look at the genome sizes and the organism complexity, it becomes quite confusing at times. This is because we... Read More

Sexual selection

What is Sexual Selection? The definition of sexual selection is very interesting in biological terms. The sexual selection... Read More

Volatile oil

Volatile Oil Definition Volatile oils are aromatic compounds that are characterized by their volatility and inability to... Read More