40 results found

Search Results for: transmembrane proteins

Carrier protein

Carrier protein is a type of cell membrane protein involved in facilitated diffusion and active transport of substances out... Read More

Plasma membrane

Do all cells have a plasma (or cell) membrane? Yes, all cells have a biological membrane that separates the protoplasm from... Read More

Endoplasmic reticulum

Endoplasmic Reticulum Definition The endoplasmic reticulum is a membrane-bound organelle in cells of eukaryotic cells... Read More

Tight junction

What are tight junctions? Tight junctions are the intercellular barrier between two neighboring endothelial and epithelial... Read More

Fluid mosaic model

Fluid Mosaic Model Definition What is the fluid mosaic model? The fluid mosaic model is a three-dimensional representation... Read More

Cell adhesion

Cell Adhesion Definition Cell adhesion is the process in which a cell uses a specialized complex of proteins to get... Read More

Cell Structure

The interior of human cells is divided into the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The nucleus is a spherical or oval-shaped... Read More

Transmembrane proteins

transmembrane protein (Science: cell biology) A protein subunit in which the polypeptide chain is exposed on both sides of... Read More

Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Definition The rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER or rER) is a membrane-bound organelle... Read More


In biology, transport refers to the act or the means by which a molecule or ion is moved across the cell membrane or via the... Read More


Erythrocyte Definition Erythrocytes (red blood cells or RBCs) are the myeloid series of specialized cells that play an... Read More


What are proteoglycans? Proteoglycans are primarily a type of polysaccharide. Structurally, proteoglycans are... Read More

Facilitated diffusion

Facilitated diffusion is the transport of substances across a biological membrane from an area of higher concentration to an... Read More


Definition noun plural: microfilaments mi·cro·fil·a·ments, mī'krō-fil'ă-mĕnts A thin, helical, single-stranded... Read More


Sarcolemma Definition What is the sarcolemma? It is the thin, transparent, extensible plasma membrane of the muscle cell.... Read More


Definition noun plural: cytoskeletons cy·to·skel·e·ton (cell biology) The lattice or internal framework of a cell... Read More

Transmembrane protein

Definition noun, plural: transmembrane proteins A protein that spans the entire biological... Read More

Selectively-permeable membrane

Selectively Permeable Membrane Definition We can define selectively permeable membranes as those that are selectively... Read More


The cell cycle of eukaryotes is a cyclical series of biological events that certain asexual cells go through. The cell cycle... Read More

Membrane protein

Definition noun, plural: membrane proteins A type of protein that is attached to, or associated with, a biological... Read More

Cell matrix

Definition noun plural: cell matrices cell ma·trix, ˈmeɪtɹɪks An insoluble, dynamic gel in the cytoplasm, believed... Read More

Resting potential

Resting Potential Definition The resting potential of a cell is defined as the difference in electrical potential across... Read More


Phagocytosis Definition Phagocytosis is a basic physiological cellular process wherein a cell ingests a solid particle... Read More


Diffusion Definition Diffusion is the net passive movement of molecules or particles from regions of higher to regions of... Read More


Immunoglobulin Definition An immunoglobulin is a globulin molecule produced by the immune cells, for the body's defense... Read More

Integral membrane protein

Definition noun A protein molecule (or assembly of proteins) that is permanently attached or firmly anchored in the plasma... Read More


What is the Glycocalyx? The glycocalyx is a polysaccharide-based gel-like, highly hydrous cellular thin layer, covering... Read More

Gated ion channel

(Science: physiology) transmembrane proteins of excitable cells, that allow a flux of ions to pass only under defined... Read More

Blood-brain barrier

Definition noun A semipermeable membrane that serves as a selective barrier separating the circulating blood and the... Read More


Depolarization is the removal of polarity by a process or action. It might also be used to describe how such activity leads... Read More


Definition noun (general) The condition of polarity (biology) The process or act of producing positive and negative... Read More

Simple squamous epithelium

Simple Squamous Epithelium Definition Simple squamous epithelium, also known as simple squamous epithelial tissue or... Read More


Pleiotropy Definition When one single gene starts affecting multiple traits of living organisms, this phenomenon is known... Read More

Genetic Mutations

Reviewed by: Mary Anne Clark, Ph.D.Genetic Mutations Genetic mutations are inherited variations in an... Read More


Definition noun, plural: alpha helices A right-handed coiled conformation common in many proteins in which the resulting... Read More

Beta barrel

Definition noun, plural: beta barrels A large β-sheet that twists and coils to form a closed structure where the first... Read More

Missense mutation

What is a missense mutation? Literally speaking, a mutation that changes the meaning of the encoded gene sequence is the... Read More

Integral protein

Definition noun, plural: integral proteins A protein molecule or protein assembly permanently attached in biological... Read More

Energy coupling

What is Energy Coupling? Work, whether it be physical or biological, requires energy to be expended. In biological... Read More


transportase --> transport protein (Science: protein) A class of transmembrane protein that allows substances to cross... Read More