Dictionary > Lamellae


noun, singular: lamella
Thin structures resembling a plate.
(cell biology)
Intergrana thylakoids, i.e. stroma thylakoids that connect grana (stacks of thylakoid discs).
(1) Plate-like layers of pectin that cement cell walls of adjacent plant cells, and involved in forming plasmodesmata between cells and rendering stability in plants
(2) Thin scales or plate-like structures growing from the petals in certain flowers.
(3) Thin sheets of cells standing up along the midrib of leaves in mosses.
Radiating leaflike spore-producing structures beneath the cap of a mushroom or similar fungus; gills of the mushroom.
(1) Bony concentric layers surrounding the haversian canals in bone.
(2) Thin layers or pages in a gill book involved in respiration, as in horseshoe crabs
(3) Structures involved in respiration, and are of two types: the primary and secondary gill lamellae that increase the amount of oxygen intake of the blood in fish.
(4) Miniature ridges inside the bills of water-feeding ducks (Anatidae) and water birds (e.g. Phoenicopteridae), and serve as filters during feeding.
(5) Flanges or teeth-forming barriers inside the aperture of a snail’s shell.
(6) Precursors of the prepuce during the development of urinary and reproductive organs in humans.
Small disks of gelatin mixed with a medicinal substance to treat conjuntiva.
Word origin: Latin lāmella, small thin plate, diminutive of lāmina, thin plate.
Related forms: lamellar (adjective).

Related phrases: middle lamellae (botany).

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