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Search Results for: autoimmune disease

Autoimmune disease

Definition noun, plural: autoimmune diseases A type of disease as a result of an immune response of the body against own... Read More


The breakdown or catabolism of red blood cells or erythrocytes that result in the expulsion of hemoglobin and other... Read More


Leukocytes, also called the white blood cells (WBCs), inhabiting our immune system are the cells that exhibit astonishing... Read More


Definition noun, plural: autoimmunities A type of immunity wherein the immune response is directed against own body,... Read More


Antigen Definition What is an antigen? A simple definition is that an antigen refers to any substance that triggers an... Read More


What Is Leukocytosis? Leukocytosis is a condition wherein the number of White Blood Cells (WBCs) is increased above the... Read More

Predisposing factors

All organisms can be born with or develop a disease at any point in their lifetime. When someone is born with a disease, it... Read More

Polygenic disease

Definition noun An inherited disease determined by the effects of the simultaneous action or interaction of several... Read More


Organisms depend on different sources of food to survive. Larger organisms like plants make their own food (autotrophs) and... Read More

Y chromosome

Y chromosome Definition The Y chromosome constitutes one member of the pair of sex chromosomes within an organism, a common... Read More

Immune response

Immune Response Definition An immune response is defined as the reaction of the body in response to the presence of a... Read More


Definition noun plural: galacto-oligosaccharides ga·lac·to·ol·i·go·sac·cha·ride An oligosaccharide made up of... Read More


Sarcolemma Definition What is the sarcolemma? It is the thin, transparent, extensible plasma membrane of the muscle cell.... Read More


Monocytes Definition Monocytes are a subset of white blood cells (WBCs) or leukocytes that originate in the bone marrow.... Read More


Flaccid Definition Biology – What is Flaccid? In botany, the term flaccid refers to a cell that lacks turgidity, i.e. it... Read More


Erythrocyte Definition Erythrocytes (red blood cells or RBCs) are the myeloid series of specialized cells that play an... Read More


Definition noun An increase in the number of circulating granulocytes in the bloodstream. Supplement Granulocytosis is a... Read More


Definition noun, plural: autoantigens An endogenous antigen that is recognized as nonself by the immune system, which should... Read More

Cell adhesion

Cell Adhesion Definition Cell adhesion is the process in which a cell uses a specialized complex of proteins to get... Read More

Self antigen

Definition noun, plural: self antigens An exogenous antigen that is recognized as nonself by the immune system, which should... Read More


What is Glycolysis and Why is it Important? Glycolysis is a metabolic pathway by which the 6-carbon molecule of glucose is... Read More


Glucose occurs naturally and is ubiquitous. It is one of the three most common monosaccharides; the other two are fructose... Read More


Myocardium Definition What is the myocardium of the heart?  It is the muscular middle layer of the heart that is... Read More


Definition noun A condition that is characterized by uncontrolled bleeding from the mouth, gums, lips, and tongue,... Read More

Integumentary system

Integumentary System Definition The integumentary system is the outermost layer of the body. The animal body, in... Read More

Smooth muscle

The smooth muscle can be described as a type of muscle in the human body that is non-striated and involuntary in action.... Read More


Cells often go through many divisions before they become a part of an organism’s genetic make-up. This leaves room for... Read More


Definition noun Excessive dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva Supplement The dryness of the eyes is associated with the... Read More

Axon hillock

Axon Hillock Definition What is axon hillock? If you are familiar with the different parts of the neuron, the axon hillock... Read More