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Search Results for: chemical reaction

First-order kinetics

What is a First-Order Kinetics (First-Order Reaction)? First-order kinetics refers to a reaction wherein the overall rate... Read More

Dehydration reaction

What is dehydration synthesis? A dehydration reaction is a form of biochemical reaction wherein a water molecule is lost or... Read More

Redox reaction

Redox Reaction Definition What are redox reactions? This is a common term in chemistry and biology. In chemistry, a redox... Read More

Light-dependent reaction

Many organisms, such as green plants, convert light energy into chemical energy through the mechanism of photosynthesis. In... Read More

Chemical reaction

Definition noun, plural: chemical reactions A process in which one or more substances (reactants) are chemically... Read More


Photosynthesis is a physio-chemical process carried out by photo-auto-lithotrophs by converting light energy into chemical... Read More


Oxidation Definition How do we define oxidation? There are several definitions of the oxidation process. Oxidation can be... Read More

Protein Activity and Cellular Metabolism

Protein Binding Sites The ability of various molecules and ions to bind to specific sites on the protein surface forms the... Read More


An enzyme is a biomolecule that can be synthesized biologically (naturally occurring) or through other processes... Read More

Reducing sugar

Reducing Sugar Definition What is reducing sugar? The type of sugar that acts as the reducing agent and can effectively... Read More


Photolysis Definition We define photolysis as a chemical process in which chemical compounds or molecules are split into... Read More


An oxidizer is a substance that facilitates oxidation in a chemical reaction by accepting electrons from another substance.... Read More

Light-independent reaction

The process of photosynthesis is a biological procedure in which plants produce oxygen and energy (sugar) by using light... Read More


Substrate Definition What is a "substrate"? The underlying substances or layers are termed as substrate. The definitions of... Read More

Phosphodiester bond

Phosphodiester Bond Definition Phosphodiester bonds are the backbone of the strands of nucleic acid present in the life... Read More

Cellular respiration

Cellular Respiration Definition What is cellular respiration in simple terms? Cellular respiration can be defined simply as... Read More


Enzymes can break down complicated large molecules into simpler smaller ones, they can combine small molecules or atoms to... Read More


Phosphorylation Definition We can define phosphorylation as a biochemical process in which a phosphate molecule is added to... Read More

Plant Metabolism

Introduction Plants are responsible for incredible feats of molecular transformation. The processes are always being... Read More


Reviewed by: Todd Smith, PhDDefinition noun, plural: energies (1) The capacity for work. (2) The ability to... Read More

Energy coupling

What is Energy Coupling? Work, whether it be physical or biological, requires energy to be expended. In biological... Read More


Definition noun plural: compounds com·pound, ˈkɒmpaʊnd (general) A material made up of two or more parts or... Read More


Metabolism Definition What is metabolism in the body? Metabolism encompasses the various biochemical processes, reactions,... Read More


Catabolism Definition Catabolism is the branch of the metabolic process that breaks down complex, big molecules into... Read More


Pyruvate Definition Pyruvates have been often recognized as one of the most important molecules that are frequently... Read More


In the enchanting tapestry of life, the smallest of heroes and a celestial protagonist emerges—'the atom'. With grace and... Read More


Phosphate is an essential inorganic compound composed of a phosphorus atom bonded to four oxygen atoms. This molecular... Read More


Enzymes are biological catalysts that can increase the rate of chemical reactions in living organisms. Enzymes can only... Read More


An enzyme is a catalyst or a chemical produced by cells to speed up a biochemical reaction. It is usually a protein molecule... Read More


Why are most plants green? Have you ever had the same question? Perhaps, you’ve been told that the plants are green... Read More

Valence electron

What are valence electrons? Why are they significant? Valence electrons definition in chemistry: The electrons in an atom's... Read More

Humoral immunity

Let’s get to know where one should place humoral immunity, the topic of today’s discussion!! By the end of the article,... Read More


Definition noun, plural: catalyses The causing of the acceleration of a chemical reaction induced by a... Read More

Homogeneous catalysis

Definition noun (chemistry) A form of catalysis wherein the catalyst is in the same physical state as that of the... Read More

Anaerobic respiration

Anaerobic Respiration Definition What is anaerobic respiration? Anaerobic (cellular) respiration is a respiratory process... Read More


Definition noun, plural catalyst A substance capable of initiating or speeding up a chemical reaction. Supplement Chemical... Read More

Carbon dioxide

Carbon Dioxide Definition noun, car·bon di·ox·ide, /daɪˈɒksaɪd/ (biochemistry) An inorganic compound, with the... Read More


Micromolecules Definition How to define micromolecule? Micromolecules are relatively small molecules that are combined... Read More


Conjugate Definition Conjugate in a broader sense refers to related pairs of substances or entities that are interconnected... Read More


Polypeptide Definition Biology What are polypeptides? A polypeptide is defined as a polymer of amino acids joined together... Read More