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Search Results for: death rate

First-order kinetics

What is a First-Order Kinetics (First-Order Reaction)? First-order kinetics refers to a reaction wherein the overall rate... Read More

Demographic transition

The demographic transition model is a theoretical framework that explains the historical shift in population dynamics as a... Read More

Death rate

Death rate The number of deaths in the population divided by the average population (or the population at midyear) is the... Read More

Carrying capacity

Carrying Capacity Definition What is carrying capacity? In biology and environmental science, the carrying capacity of a... Read More

Environmental resistance

Environmental Resistance Definition Environmental resistance is such a process in which certain different elements or... Read More

Density dependent factor

Density-dependent factors are the limiting factors of an ecosystem that regulate population growth in a density-dependent... Read More

Lethal mutation

Lethal Mutation Definition Genetic mutations come from changes in the DNA structure or sequencing in an organism. Often... Read More


Inoculation Definition In Immunology, inoculation is defined as the process of introducing an antigenic substance or... Read More


Fecundity Definition The meaning of fecundity is the reproductive rate (fecundity rate) or the performance of an individual... Read More


Osteocyte Definition The osteocyte is a mature bone cell. Other bone cell types are osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, and... Read More

Density dependent limiting factor

What Is A Density-Dependent Limiting Factor? Density-dependent limiting factors are limiting factors, which, depending on... Read More

Regulation of Organic Metabolism, Growth and Energy Balance

Organic Metabolism Events of Absorptive and Post-absorptive States. The absorptive state is the period during which... Read More

Population Growth and Survivorship

By: Maria Victoria GonzagaPreviously, we learned about biodiversity and endemism. Now, let's look at the... Read More

Population Regulation in an Ecosystem

Darwin focused some of this work in regards to the population size of a species, and what factors may affect them. He... Read More

Darwinian fitness

Darwinian Fitness Definition Darwinian fitness refers to the measure of an individual organism's or genotype's reproductive... Read More


Myocardium Definition What is the myocardium of the heart?  It is the muscular middle layer of the heart that is... Read More

Birth Rate

The ratio of live births in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 population per year.The total births... Read More


Living organisms typically prefer to live, grow, and survive in groups. Except for some species that prefer solitude - both... Read More


Equilibrium Definition In Biology Equilibrium refers to the state of balance and stability. In biology, equilibrium is... Read More

Plant Metabolism

Introduction Plants are responsible for incredible feats of molecular transformation. The processes are always being... Read More


Erythrocyte Definition Erythrocytes (red blood cells or RBCs) are the myeloid series of specialized cells that play an... Read More

RASER proteins selectively “hack” and “shut down” cancer cells

According to World Health Organization, cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. The record showed that it... Read More


Hypersensitivity Definition Hypersensitivity is the exaggerated immune response to protect the human from foreign bodies... Read More


Process Definition What is a process? In biology, a process (plural: processes) means any of the various biological... Read More


Mortality The death rate. The ratio of the total number of deaths to the total population. The ratio of deaths in an area to... Read More

Natural selection

Natural Selection Definition What is natural selection in biology? Natural selection is defined as a process in nature... Read More


Decomposer Definition The organisms that carry out the process of decay or breakdown of the dead organism are known as... Read More


Homeostasis is the tendency not to stray from the range of favorable or ideal internal conditions. Such conditions must be... Read More

Positive feedback

Positive Feedback Definition Each mechanism of the body like temperature, blood pressure, and levels of specific nutrients... Read More


Hyperosmotic Definition What is hyperosmotic? The word hyperosmotic is derived from two Greek words: 'hyper', meaning... Read More

coronavirus COVID-19

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a contagious coronavirus disease first detected... Read More

Growth and Plant Hormones

Growth All living organisms begin in the same form: as a single cell. That cell will divide and the resulting cells will... Read More

Addressing the Unmet Medical Need for Safe and Effective Weight Loss Therapies

Perspective Addressing the Unmet Medical Need for Safe and Effective Weight Loss Therapies Cynthia M. Arbeeny Address... Read More

Sensory Systems

A sensory system is a part of the nervous system consisting of sensory receptors that receive stimuli from the internal and... Read More


Definition noun An abnormally frequent discharge of a loose, watery stool Supplement Diarrhea pertains to the abnormally... Read More


The biological world or life on earth is a marvel that has amazed us since time immemorial. The rich natural diversity of... Read More

Asexual reproduction

Asexual Reproduction Definition What is asexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction that does not... Read More


Differentiation in biology is the process where less specialized cells undergo changes to develop specialized structures and... Read More


Adaptation Definition In biology and ecology, adaptation refers to the process of adjusting behavior, physiology, or... Read More


Benign Definition How to define benign? The meaning of benign in a general sense is "beneficial" and "pleasant". Benign is... Read More