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Search Results for: equilibrium


Equilibrium Definition In Biology Equilibrium refers to the state of balance and stability. In biology, equilibrium is... Read More

Genetic equilibrium

Definition noun A condition where a gene pool is not changing in frequency because the evolutionary forces acting upon the... Read More

Secular equilibrium

secular equilibrium A type of radioactive equilibrium in which the half-life of the precursor (parent) radioisotope is so... Read More

Dynamic equilibrium

Definition noun A system in a steady state since forward reaction and backward reaction occur at the same... Read More

Punctuated equilibrium

Definition noun A theory that describes an evolutionary change happening rapidly and in brief geological events in between... Read More

Homeostatic equilibrium

Definition noun (1) The tendency of an organism or a cell to regulate its internal conditions, usually by a system of... Read More

Equilibrium constant

Definition noun The ratio in which the product of the concentrations of the products divided by the product of the... Read More

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

Definition noun A principle stating that both allele and genotype frequencies in a randomly-mating population remain... Read More

Carrying capacity

Carrying Capacity Definition What is carrying capacity? In biology and environmental science, the carrying capacity of a... Read More


Definition noun (1) The equilibrium constant for a reversible chemical reaction. (2) The ratio depicting the... Read More

Mechanical equilibrium

Definition noun A state of a physical system at rest or in unaccelerated motion, and where the sum of all forces and torque... Read More

Resting potential

Resting Potential Definition The resting potential of a cell is defined as the difference in electrical potential across... Read More

Generation of resting membrane potential

Stephen H. WrightDepartment of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85724... Read More

An introduction to Homeostasis

Researched and Written by Jonjo MinnsSubmitted to biologyonline.com on February 25, 2009.Published in biologyonline.com... Read More

Physiological adaptation

If we look over evolutionary history, we find that it’s neither the most genius and intelligent nor the strongest and the... Read More

Positive feedback

Positive Feedback Definition Each mechanism of the body like temperature, blood pressure, and levels of specific nutrients... Read More

Concentration gradient

What is a concentration gradient? A gradient is a measure of how steep a slope is. Thus, a concentration gradient would be... Read More

A Look Into Natural Selection and its Mechanisms

Charles Darwin is credited with outlining the fundamentals of evolution. He was a smart and eager pupil and protégé, and... Read More

Movement of Molecules Across Cell Membranes

Diffusion Diffusion is essentially the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower... Read More

Hypertonic solution

Hypertonic Solution Definition Hypertonic solution is a relative term that describes the solution having a higher amount of... Read More

Community (biology)

Community, in biology, refers to the assemblage of interacting organisms (either of the same or different species)... Read More

Hardy-Weinberg law

Definition noun A principle stating that both allele and genotype frequencies in a randomly-mating population remain... Read More


Phosphate is an essential inorganic compound composed of a phosphorus atom bonded to four oxygen atoms. This molecular... Read More


Definition (genetics) Gene knock-in, as in genetic engineering method (chemistry) A symbol for the dissociation constant of... Read More

Darwinian fitness

Darwinian Fitness Definition Darwinian fitness refers to the measure of an individual organism's or genotype's reproductive... Read More


Homeostasis is the tendency not to stray from the range of favorable or ideal internal conditions. Such conditions must be... Read More

Dissociation constant

Definition noun (1) A mathematical constant that describes the tendency of a large molecule to dissociate reversibly into... Read More

Facilitated diffusion

Facilitated diffusion is the transport of substances across a biological membrane from an area of higher concentration to an... Read More


stable 1. Firmly established; not easily moved, shaken, or overthrown; fixed; as, a stable government. In this region of... Read More

Diffusion equilibrium

Definition noun The state in which the concentrations of the diffusing substance in the two compartments are the same or... Read More

Body fluid

Body Fluids Definition What is body fluid? Literally, body fluid is the fluid of the body. The adult human body is ~50-60%... Read More

Selectively-permeable membrane

Selectively Permeable Membrane Definition We can define selectively permeable membranes as those that are selectively... Read More

Hardy-Weinberg principle

Definition noun A principle stating that both allele and genotype frequencies in a randomly-mating population remain... Read More

Ecosystem Succession

Just one of the amazing aspects of life on Earth is that it spreads to all areas where the habitat will allow it to survive.... Read More

Monod-Wyman-Changeux model

Definition noun (biochemistry) A model used to describe the allosteric forms of cooperativity Supplement The... Read More

Plasma membrane

Do all cells have a plasma (or cell) membrane? Yes, all cells have a biological membrane that separates the protoplasm from... Read More


Definition noun A sensory perception of motion and relative position of the body through the receptors in tissues such as... Read More


Pyruvate Definition Pyruvates have been often recognized as one of the most important molecules that are frequently... Read More


Hypertonic Definition Hypertonic is a term used to describe an entity being in the state of hypertonicity, where there is a... Read More


vibration 1. The act of vibrating, or the state of being vibrated, or in vibratory motion; quick motion to and fro;... Read More