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Search Results for: eubacteria


Eubacteria are prokaryotic microorganisms consisting of a single cell lacking a nucleus and containing DNA is a single... Read More


Unicellular organisms are organisms consisting of one cell only that performs all vital functions including metabolism,... Read More


Kingdom is a taxonomic rank used in biological classification systems to simplify the understanding of the biological world.... Read More


An organism refers to a living thing that has an organized structure, can react to stimuli, reproduce, grow, adapt, and... Read More


Bacteria Definition What are bacteria? What is the definition of bacteria in biology? Bacteria are defined as organisms... Read More


Archaea is a group of prokaryotic life forms distinct from bacteria forming a separate domain of life. They possess... Read More


Just like it is easy to identify and sort anything in the supermarkets when placed in the right section with proper display... Read More


Thermophiles Definition What are thermophiles? Let us first understand the literal meaning of the word ‘thermophile’.... Read More


Definition noun, singular: archaebacterium Unicellular microorganisms in the domain Archaea, which is genetically distinct... Read More


A system pertains to interdependent or interrelated objects comprising and functioning as a whole. In biology, it may refer... Read More


Prokaryote refers to any of the group of living organisms primarily characterized by the lack of a true nucleus and other... Read More

Enterococcus faecalis

Definition Non-motile, gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic, microbial species that normally dwells in the... Read More

Staphylococcus aureus

Definition Noun A gram-positive spherical and facultative bacterium arranged in cluster involved as pathogens of several... Read More

The consequences of antibiotic use in horticulture

Leading articlesFrederick R. Falkiner* Department of Clinical Microbiology, Trinity College, Dublin; Central Pathology... Read More


Definition noun (taxonomy) A class within Phylum Proteobacteria that includes unicellular bacteria that are mostly... Read More


Microalgae Definition Microalgae (singular: microalga) are microscopic algal species as opposed to other algae that are... Read More

Cell morphology

The basic essence for any living organism is its structural framework which includes appearance, form, and the... Read More

Eukaryotic cells

Eukaryotic Cells Definition What is a eukaryotic cell? Eukaryotic cells refer to the cells of (or derived from) eukaryotes,... Read More

Binary fission

Binary Fission Definition What is binary fission? In biology, binary fission is a type of asexual reproduction where a... Read More

Classification system

Classification Systems Definition In life, many things are classified, that is, to put into categories or groups based on... Read More


Definition noun, plural: peptidoglycans (1) A glycan (a polysaccharide) attached to short cross-linked oligopeptides in the... Read More


Definition noun A crystal lattice structure in the cell wall of eubacteria formed by the linear chains of two alternating... Read More


Eukaryote refers to any of the single-celled or multicellular organisms whose cell contains a distinct, membrane-bound... Read More


Order Definition In general, order pertains to a succession or sequence, usually arranged in a series. An example would be... Read More


Cross-linking Definition Cross-linking, in general, means the forming of cross-links between the joining structures. In... Read More