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Search Results for: placenta


Definition noun, plural: placentae or placentas (1) (zoology) The vascular organ formed during gestation of female mammals... Read More


Definition noun (taxonomy) A subdivision of the class Mammalia characterized primarily by their fetus being carried in the... Read More


Chorion Definition The chorion is a membrane that develops around the developing fertilized egg. It begins to develop... Read More

Battledore placenta

Battledore placenta a placenta in which the umbilical cord is attached at the border; so-called because of the fancied... Read More


The science of Embryology and Fetal development has fascinated mankind since time immemorial. After the embryonic stage, the... Read More

Human Reproduction

Terminology and Concepts Primary reproductive organs are called gonads - testes in the male and ovaries in the female.... Read More

Metatherian mammal

Definition noun, plural: metatherian mammals Any from the group of mammals possessing choriovitelline type of placenta (as... Read More

Placental mammal

Definition noun, plural: placental mammals Another term for eutherian mammal, i.e. a mammal possessing a chorioallantoic... Read More

Growth and Development of a Human Baby

Continued from the initial human reproduction of the previous page in this tutorial.Upon arrival in the uterus, the... Read More

Eutherian mammal

Definition noun, plural: eutherian mammals Any from the group of mammals possessing chorioallantoic placenta (as opposed... Read More


Human embryology is a fascinating subject and has succeeded in captivating the attention of human beings for ages.... Read More

Humoral immunity

Let’s get to know where one should place humoral immunity, the topic of today’s discussion!! By the end of the article,... Read More

Birth of a Human Baby

Continued from the previous tutorials, Fertilization and Fetal Growth and Development.The baby soon outgrows the energy... Read More


Pluripotent Definition What is pluripotent? In biology, the term "pluripotent" means capable of developing into... Read More


Definition noun, plural: gonadotropins A polypeptide hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary and the placenta, and acts... Read More


Definition Of Organ An organ is a collection of tissues that carries out a function or set of related ones. An organ often... Read More


Definition noun, singular: twin (1) Two siblings from the same pregnancy and birth (2) (general) Two closely related and... Read More


Definition noun, plural: cotyledons (1) (botany) The primary or rudimentary leaf of the embryo of a seed plant that either... Read More


Definition noun, plural: mammals A taxonomic class that includes all mammals Supplement Mammalia is a taxonomic class of... Read More

Amniotic sac

Definition noun, plural: amniotic sacs Fluid-filled sac where the embryo or fetus is suspended in the uterus or in the of... Read More


When we learned about the basic genetics of biological life, we came to know that almost all the cells of an individual have... Read More


Definition noun, plural: amitoses A direct type of cell division wherein the nucleus and the cytoplasm go through a simple... Read More


Definition noun, plural: myometria The middle layer of the uterine wall, made up chiefly of smooth muscle tissue involved in... Read More


The breakdown or catabolism of red blood cells or erythrocytes that result in the expulsion of hemoglobin and other... Read More


Definition noun, plural: progesterones A progestogen hormone, with a chemical formula of C21H30O2, naturally produced in... Read More

Mononuclear phagocyte system

Definition noun A system of cells located in reticular connective tissue, and are associated primarily with phagocytosis and... Read More


Definition noun, plural: osteoclasts (cytology) A type of bone cell that is large, multinucleated, and associated with bone... Read More

Dichorionic-diamniotic twins

Definition noun Twins with separate chorions and amniotic sacs in utero Supplement Twins may be classified according to the... Read More


Labour (Science: obstetrics) The act of giving Birth to a baby. There are four stages: The first stage lasts from the onset... Read More

Fetal membrane

Definition noun, plural: fetal membranes A membrane surrounding the embryo or fetus and is involved in nutrition,... Read More

Immunoglobulin A

Definition noun An immunoglobulin (antibody) that is characterized by its α-heavy chain, and its prevalence in mucous... Read More


To reproduce, by definition, means to produce new offspring. The process is referred to as reproduction, which is one of the... Read More


Embryology Definition Embryology is a branch of biology that deals with the topics concerning gamete formation... Read More

Natural passive immunity

Definition noun A passive immunity acquired by the fetus or newborn from the mother via the placental transfer of antibodies... Read More

Birth Control and Contraception

Birth Control Some religious beliefs see methods of contraception unethical while some political bodies chose birth control... Read More

Physical Development in Humans

The Newly Born Child Depending on the nutrients available to the child within pregnancy and the genetic makeup of the... Read More


Definition noun, plural: macrophages A leukocyte whose main function is to eliminate cellular debris and foreign particles... Read More

Brandt-andrews manoeuvre

Brandt-andrews manoeuvre The expression of the placenta by grasping the umbilical cord with one hand and placing the other... Read More

Naturally acquired passive immunity

Definition noun A passive immunity that is acquired by the fetus or newborn through its mother, and typically lasts the... Read More


Immunoglobulin Definition An immunoglobulin is a globulin molecule produced by the immune cells, for the body's defense... Read More