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Search Results for: shell


shell 1. A hard outside covering, as of a fruit or an animal. Specifically: The covering, or outside part, of a nut; as, a... Read More

Valence electron

What are valence electrons? Why are they significant? Valence electrons definition in chemistry: The electrons in an atom's... Read More

Diffusion shell

Diffusion shell a small vessel made of a semipermeable membrane through which peptone, but not serum albumin, can pass; used... Read More


top-shell (Science: zoology) Any one of numerous species of marine top-shaped shells of the genus Thochus, or family... Read More


Eggshell 1. The shell or exterior covering of an egg. Also used figuratively for anything resembling an eggshell. 2.... Read More


nutshell 1. The shell or hard external covering in which the kernel of a nut is inclosed. 2. Hence, a thing of little... Read More


scallop 1. (Science: zoology) Any one of numerous species of marine bivalve mollusks of the genus pecten and allied genera... Read More

Actions of Caffeine in the Brain with Special Reference to Factors That Contribute to Its Widespread Use

IV. Actions of Caffeine on Brain Functions and BehaviorHaving discussed the molecular and neuronal actions of caffeine,... Read More


Definition noun, plural: tests (1) An examination or evaluation. (2) (zoology) The external, protective shell, covering or... Read More


Carboxysome is a protein-shell micro-compartment inside bacterial cell and is involved chiefly in carbon fixation. It is a... Read More


Kernel 1. The essential part of a seed; all that is within the seed walls; the edible substance contained in the shell of a... Read More


Plankton is a diverse group of typically microscopic, aquatic organisms suspended in the water column and rely on water... Read More


Definition noun, plural: incisurae A notch; an indent; a small hollow Supplement Incisura is a Latin word for incisure... Read More


Capsid Definition A capsid is a three-dimensional proteinaceous capsular shell around a virus that encloses the viral... Read More


siphon 1. A device, consisting of a pipe or tube bent so as to form two branches or legs of unequal length, by which a... Read More


A spherical shell that is usually made of a biodegradable or resorbable plastic polymer, that has a very small diameter... Read More


univalve (Science: zoology) A shell consisting of one valve only; a mollusk whose shell is composed of a single piece, as... Read More


In the enchanting tapestry of life, the smallest of heroes and a celestial protagonist emergesā€”'the atom'. With grace and... Read More


oyster 1. (Science: marine biology, zoology) Any marine bivalve mollusk of the genus ostrea. They are usually found adhering... Read More


Mutualism Definition What is mutualism? In biology and ecology, a mutualism is a form of symbiosis that is characterized by... Read More


melon 1. (Science: botany) The juicy fruit of certain cucurbitaceous plants, as the muskmelon, watermelon, and citron melon;... Read More


Definition noun, plural: fossils (1) Any preserved evidence of life from a past geological age, such as the impressions and... Read More


reins 1. The kidneys; also, the region of the kidneys; the loins. 2. The inward impulses; the affections and passions; so... Read More


Galea 1. (Science: botany) The upper lip or helmet-shaped part of a labiate flower. 2. (Science: surgery) a kind of bandage... Read More


Organisms depend on different sources of food to survive. Larger organisms like plants make their own food (autotrophs) and... Read More

Why Is The Mary River Turtle Endangered

The Mary River TurtleĀ  (Elusor macrurus) has been named recently as one of the species on the brink of extinction. That is... Read More


Prokaryote refers to any of the group of living organisms primarily characterized by the lack of a true nucleus and other... Read More


Gyration 1. The act of turning or whirling, as around a fixed center; a circular or spiral motion; motion about an axis;... Read More


Definition noun, plural: hexamers (1) A molecule made up of six structural subunits, such as an oligomer (or polymer)... Read More


Chorion Definition The chorion is a membrane that develops around the developing fertilized egg. It begins to develop... Read More


violet 1. (Science: botany) Any plant or flower of the genus viola, of many species. The violets are generally low,... Read More


Definition noun, singular: lamella (general) Thin structures resembling a plate. (cell biology) Intergrana thylakoids, i.e.... Read More


Coccidia (singular: coccidium) are sporozoans that live as parasites of the digestive tracts of certain animals. The... Read More


zebra (Science: zoology) Either one of two species of south african wild horses remarkable for having the body white or... Read More


Diatom Definition A diatom is a unicellular eukaryotic alga characterized by having a siliceous covering and a symmetrical... Read More

Effect of Chemicals on Growth & Development in Organisms

Plants Plants require a large number of elements to function properly, mainly carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen, essentially... Read More


Protist Definition What is a protist? All protists are eukaryotes, i.e. organisms with aĀ nucleus. However, they are... Read More


What is the Glycocalyx? The glycocalyx is a polysaccharide-based gel-like, highly hydrous cellular thin layer, covering... Read More

Balanced diet

What is a balanced diet? What is the definition of a balanced diet? A nutritionally balanced diet fulfills all nutritional... Read More

Neural Control Mechanisms

Nerve cells called neurons generate electric signals that pass from one end of the cell to another and release chemical... Read More