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Search Results for: sterile


Sterile Definition What does sterile mean? In reproductive biology, we can define sterile as an inability to reproduce or... Read More

Sterile cyst

sterile cyst A hydatid cyst without brood capsules or viable... Read More


Definition noun, plural: mules (zoology) A sterile hybrid offspring, especially of a male donkey and a female horse (botany)... Read More

Saline solution

Saline Solution Definition Saline solution is one the most medically-used solution, which contains sodium chloride... Read More


Barren 1. A tract of barren land. 2. Elevated lands or plains on which grow small trees, but not timber; as, pine barrens;... Read More

Replica plating

replica plating (Science: technique) technique for testing the genetic characteristics of bacterial colonies. A dilute... Read More

Bolus injection

A bolus injection is the act of administering a dose of medication or substance directly into the bloodstream by injection.... Read More


What Is Agar? Agar, also called agar agar, is a natural gelling agent derived from seaweed (specifically algae belonging to... Read More

The Evolution of Cell Organelles

The previous tutorial page noted the emergence of protists, organisms that possessed a distinct cell nucleus and contained... Read More


Definition noun (genetics) A type of euploidy wherein the additional set of chromosomes is derived from a parent or... Read More


There are over two million species of arthropods, who initially arrived on Earth in the middle of the Cambrian period.... Read More


Definition noun A biological system of sex determination as observed in the Hymenopteran species (e.g. ants and bees) where... Read More

Genetic Engineering Advantages & Disadvantages

 Through genetic engineering, scientists are able to move desirable genes from one plant or animal to another or... Read More

Generalized peritonitis

Definition noun A type of peritonitis affecting the entire abdomen, and in which the abdominal tenderness is diffuse and the... Read More

Genetic isolation

Definition noun The lack of interbreeding or little genetic mixing between organisms of the same... Read More

Chromosomal mutation

Every living thing is made up of DNA. Our DNA is what makes us unique and different in the world. Our DNA is made up of... Read More


Spermiogenesis Definition Spermiogenesis is the stage of spermatogenesis wherein the spermatids differentiate into mature... Read More

Hybrid Sterility

'''hybrid sterility (genetics) It refers to the offspring of a successful primary cross, however the secondary cross would... Read More


Inoculation Definition In Immunology, inoculation is defined as the process of introducing an antigenic substance or... Read More


Definition noun, plural: peritonites (pathology) The inflammation of the peritoneum Supplement Peritonitis pertains to the... Read More

The FIFTH MIRACLE: The Search for the Origin and Meaning of Life

 The FIFTH MIRACLE: The Search for the Origin and Meaning of Life    ... Read More


Cloning Definition In biology, cloning is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals... Read More


pellet 1. A pilule, or very small pill. 2. A small rod-shaped or ovoid dosage form that is sterile and is composed... Read More

The consequences of antibiotic use in horticulture

Leading articlesFrederick R. Falkiner* Department of Clinical Microbiology, Trinity College, Dublin; Central Pathology... Read More

Organ culture

Definition noun, plural: tissue cultures (1) The technique of cultivating organ primordia or pieces of tissue in the... Read More


Definition noun, plural: seedlings (botany) A young sporophyte that grows from a seed; a (recent) sprout Supplement A... Read More


Cells often go through many divisions before they become a part of an organism’s genetic make-up. This leaves room for... Read More

Cell culture

Definition noun, plural: tissue cultures (1) The technique of cultivating cell strains or lines, especially animal cells, in... Read More

Tissue culture

Definition noun, plural: tissue cultures (1) The technique of culturing animal or plant tissue in a controlled medium away... Read More

Obligate aerobe

Before we define obligate aerobes, let us first understand and define aerobic organisms. Aerobic organisms are those that... Read More


We all know that typically living organisms are divided into two main categories of sex-based on their biological structure.... Read More


Effete no longer capable of producing young, as an animal, or fruit, as the earth; hence, worn out with age; exhausted of... Read More


To reproduce, by definition, means to produce new offspring. The process is referred to as reproduction, which is one of the... Read More

A Look Into Natural Selection and its Mechanisms

Charles Darwin is credited with outlining the fundamentals of evolution. He was a smart and eager pupil and protégé, and... Read More

“Mutualism factor” could explain why body does not attack normal flora

When sadness reeks in and you feel as if you are all by yourself, think again. That is because you are never alone. As a... Read More