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Search Results for: catalyst


Definition noun, plural catalyst A substance capable of initiating or speeding up a chemical reaction. Supplement Chemical... Read More

Inorganic catalyst

Definition noun, plural: organocatalysts An inorganic compound used as a catalyst. Supplement Inorganic catalysts speed up a... Read More

Organic catalyst

Definition noun, plural: organic catalysts Any organic compound that functions as a catalyst. Supplement Examples of these... Read More


Definition noun, plural: catalyses The causing of the acceleration of a chemical reaction induced by a... Read More

Homogeneous catalysis

Definition noun (chemistry) A form of catalysis wherein the catalyst is in the same physical state as that of the... Read More

Protein Activity and Cellular Metabolism

Protein Binding Sites The ability of various molecules and ions to bind to specific sites on the protein surface forms the... Read More


An enzyme is a biomolecule that can be synthesized biologically (naturally occurring) or through other processes... Read More


An oxidizer is a substance that facilitates oxidation in a chemical reaction by accepting electrons from another substance.... Read More


Definition noun plural: abiogeneses a·bi·o·gen·e·sis, eɪbaɪəʊˈdʒɛnəsɪs (1) The idea that primitive life... Read More


An enzyme is a catalyst or a chemical produced by cells to speed up a biochemical reaction. It is usually a protein molecule... Read More


Phosphate is an essential inorganic compound composed of a phosphorus atom bonded to four oxygen atoms. This molecular... Read More

Dehydration reaction

What is dehydration synthesis? A dehydration reaction is a form of biochemical reaction wherein a water molecule is lost or... Read More


Definition noun plural: mannitols man·ni·tol, ˈmæn ɪˌtɔl A sugar alcohol with a sweetish taste, occurs naturally in... Read More


Photolysis Definition We define photolysis as a chemical process in which chemical compounds or molecules are split into... Read More


Definition noun, plural: ribozymes RNA molecule that acts as an enzyme in the aminotransferase activity of the ribosome and... Read More


Definition noun, plural: organics (Chemistry) An organic compound; or any substance containing carbon-based compounds,... Read More

PEP carboxylase

Definition noun An enzyme in the carboxylases responsible for the formation of the four-carbon compound oxaloacetate by... Read More


Definition noun An enzyme in the carboxylases responsible for the formation of the four-carbon compound oxaloacetate by... Read More

Ribonucleic acid

Ribonucleic Acid Definition noun (uncountable), ribonucleic acids ri·bo·nu·cle·ic ac·id, raɪboʊnjuːkliːɪk... Read More

Endosymbiotic theory

A eukaryotic cell is distinct from a prokaryotic cell by the presence of membrane-bound cellular structures called... Read More

Origins of Life on Earth

Although Earth was created around 4.5 billion years ago, life began to exist not long after. Due to the huge timescales... Read More

Animal Growth Hormones

Reviewed by: Mary Anne Clark, Ph.D.As mentioned in the previous tutorial, hormones are produced in... Read More

Living things

Living Things Definition A living thing pertains to any organism or a life form that possesses or shows the characteristics... Read More


Definition noun, plural: isomerases (biochemistry) An enzyme that catalyzes the isomerization changes in a molecule, thereby... Read More


Definition noun, plural: oligopeptides A peptide comprised of relatively small number of amino acid residues (i.e. about two... Read More


Definition verb (1) To speed up a process, especially a chemical or biochemical reaction. (2) To cause catalysis. (3) To... Read More


Definition adjective (1) Of or pertaining to substances that are not of organic origin. (2) Relating to a substance that... Read More


Definition noun, plural: transferases (biochemistry) An enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of a functional group from one... Read More


Vmax Definition Vmax is the maximal reaction rate or velocity of an enzymatically catalyzed reaction when the enzyme is... Read More


Definition noun An activated form of factor II that is generated in blood clotting and acts as a catalyst during the... Read More


Definition noun, plural: transformations (1) The act, state or process of changing, such as in form or structure; the... Read More

Spontaneous generation

Definition noun plural: spontaneous generations The previously popular notion that living organisms arise or develop from... Read More

Substrate specificity

Definition noun A feature of enzyme activity with regard to the kind of substrate reacting with an enzyme to yield a... Read More

Equilibrium constant

Definition noun The ratio in which the product of the concentrations of the products divided by the product of the... Read More


Definition noun, plural: promoters (chemistry) A substance that is capable of increasing the activity of a catalyst to... Read More


Definition noun plural: sorbitols sor·bi·tol, ˈsɔr bɪˌtɔl A sugar alcohol with a sweet taste, occurs naturally in... Read More


phosphatase (Science: enzyme) That hydrolyse phosphomonoesters. Acid phosphatases are specific for the single charged... Read More


Definition noun, plural: oxidoreductase (biochemistry) An enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of electrons from an electron... Read More


Definition noun, plural: lyases (biochemistry) An enzyme that catalyzes the breaking of a chemical bond through means not... Read More


An organism refers to a living thing that has an organized structure, can react to stimuli, reproduce, grow, adapt, and... Read More