43 results found

Search Results for: exogenous


Exogenous Definition Exogenous is a word referring to a factor or event coming or contributing from outside a defined... Read More

Exogenous pyrogen

Definition noun, plural: exogenous pyrogen A type of pyrogen that is of microbial origin, such as the lipopolysaccharide in... Read More

Exogenous antigen

Definition noun Antigen that enters the body of the organism from the outside, e.g. through inhalation, ingestion, or... Read More


Antigen Definition What is an antigen? A simple definition is that an antigen refers to any substance that triggers an... Read More


Chronobiology Definition Chronobiology is a branch of biology that studies time-related phenomena (e.g., biological... Read More


Definition noun plural: purines pu•rine, ˈpjʊəɹiːn A heterocyclic aromatic compound with a chemical structure... Read More


Substance Definition What is a substance? The word substance finds varied usages in different science fields. In general... Read More


What is an Agonist? In biology, an "agonist" is the "doer of an action". Opposite of it is the antagonist, which opposes... Read More

Diurnal rhythm

Definition noun, plural: diurnal rhythms A biological rhythm that primarily express a periodicity during daylight... Read More

Immune response

Immune Response Definition An immune response is defined as the reaction of the body in response to the presence of a... Read More

Biological clock

Definition noun, plural: biological clocks Any of the various mechanisms that regulate biological rhythms Supplement A... Read More


Definition noun, plural: pyrogens A substance inducing fever by acting on the hypothalamic thermoregulatory center and... Read More

Endogenous pyrogen

Definition noun, plural: endogenous pyrogens A type of pyrogen produced by activated immune cells, and incite the rise in... Read More

Ultradian rhythm

Definition noun, plural: ultradian rhythms A biological rhythm that is repeated throughout a 24-hour circadian day and... Read More

Infradian rhythm

What is the Infradian Rhythm? An infradian rhythm is a type of biological rhythm that lasts longer than 24 hours, with a... Read More


Albumin Definition What is albumin? Is albumin a protein? In biology, albumin is a protein that is responsible for the... Read More

Growth inhibitors

Growth inhibitors endogenous or exogenous substances which inhibit the normal growth of human and animal cells or... Read More


Definition noun, plural: hepatocytes Any of the large, polygonal-shaped cells in the liver. Supplement Hepatocytes are the... Read More


Definition noun The metabolic process of producing glycogen from glucose for storage mainly in liver and muscle cells in... Read More

Methods of Breaking Seed Dormancy

Definition of Seed Dormancy:Non – germination of seeds due to absence of suitable conditions is termed as dormancy.... Read More

Adenosine triphosphate

Adenosine Triphosphate Definition noun plural: adenosine triphosphates (biochemistry) An organic compound that is... Read More


Definition noun The process of introducing transgene from one organism into another (unrelated) organism or... Read More


Definition noun Growth or movement of a cell or an organism in response to an electric field Supplement In general, tropism... Read More


Definition noun, plural: zeitgebers An external or environmental cue that helps regulate biological clock that drives... Read More


Definition noun plural: ribonucleotides ri·bo·nu·cle·o·tide, ˌraɪbəʊˈnjuːklɪəˌtaɪd A form of nucleotide in... Read More


Definition noun plural: guanines gua·nine, ˈɡwɑː.niːn (biochemistry) A purine nucleobase that complementary pairs... Read More


Definition noun, plural: tropisms A movement or growth response of a cell or an organism to a stimulus, which may either be... Read More


Elicitor (Science: plant biology) substance that induces the formation of phytoalexins in higher plants. May be exogenous... Read More


Sugar Definition The term sugar is the generic term for any disaccharides and monosaccharides. Sugars are an essential... Read More


Kingdom is a taxonomic rank used in biological classification systems to simplify the understanding of the biological world.... Read More


Fastidious Definition We can define fastidious as a term used in microbiology to denote a species that lacks the ability to... Read More


Lined with moist tissue, the pharynx is like a bustling biological highway that directs food and air to their respective... Read More


Definition noun plural: glycogens gly·co·gen, glī′kə-jən A multi-branched polymer of glucose, mainly produced in... Read More


Definition adjective Of, pertaining to, or relating to an organism that has genes from another organism put into its genome... Read More


Carbohydrate Definition A biomolecule refers to any molecule that is produced by living organisms. As such, most of them... Read More

Circadian rhythm

Circadian Rhythm Definition A circadian rhythm is an endogenously-driven biological rhythm with a period close to 24... Read More


Glucose occurs naturally and is ubiquitous. It is one of the three most common monosaccharides; the other two are fructose... Read More

Moon face

Definition noun The face swelling up into a rounded or moon shape, with large jowls, due to increased fat deposition... Read More

Self antigen

Definition noun, plural: self antigens An exogenous antigen that is recognized as nonself by the immune system, which should... Read More


Polysaccharide Definition Biology Definition: A polysaccharide is a carbohydrate formed by long chains of repeating units... Read More