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Search Results for: sensitive


sensitive 1. Having sense of feeling; possessing or exhibiting the capacity of receiving impressions from external objects;... Read More

Sensitive species

sensitive species (Science: ecology, zoology) species that can only survive within a narrow range of environmental... Read More

Suppressor-sensitive mutant

suppressor-sensitive mutant A conditionally lethal, host range, bacteriophage mutant that produces nonsense codons and can... Read More

Sensory Systems

A sensory system is a part of the nervous system consisting of sensory receptors that receive stimuli from the internal and... Read More


Why are most plants green? Have you ever had the same question? Perhaps, you’ve been told that the plants are green... Read More


Homeostasis is the tendency not to stray from the range of favorable or ideal internal conditions. Such conditions must be... Read More


retina light sensitive layer of the eye. In vertebrates, looking from outside, there are four major cell layers: (i) the... Read More


Equilibrium Definition In Biology Equilibrium refers to the state of balance and stability. In biology, equilibrium is... Read More

Sense organ

Definition noun, plural: sense organs An organ or structure that has nerve endings capable of detecting and reacting to a... Read More


Hypersensitivity Definition Hypersensitivity is the exaggerated immune response to protect the human from foreign bodies... Read More


What is the Peritoneum? The term peritoneum refers to the serous membrane that constitutes the biologically active inner... Read More


Several words of the English language find wide usage in subjects as diverse as literature, science, social science,... Read More


Definition noun glyc•er•ol, ˈglɪs əˌrɔl A sugar alcohol made up of two polyols derived from saponification of... Read More

White adipose tissue

Definition noun, plural: white adipose tissues A type of adipose tissue found in mammals used to store energy and acts as... Read More

Iodine test

Iodine Test Definition The iodine test is a chemical reaction-based identification test for starch. In this test, iodine... Read More


Definition noun A taxonomic family of Carnivora embracing domestic and wild cats such as lions and tigers Supplement Felidae... Read More


What does imprinting mean? Have you watched the TV cartoon show “Tom and Jerry” with an episode of a duck and its... Read More

Terminal hair

Definition noun The mature type of hair characterized by being pigmented, thicker, and with a larger diameter than the... Read More

Actions of Caffeine in the Brain with Special Reference to Factors That Contribute to Its Widespread Use

IV. Actions of Caffeine on Brain Functions and BehaviorHaving discussed the molecular and neuronal actions of caffeine,... Read More

Genetic Mutations

Reviewed by: Mary Anne Clark, Ph.D.Genetic Mutations Genetic mutations are inherited variations in an... Read More


What is Lanugo? Lanugo is the delicate and downy hair that covers a fetus within the uterus (womb). It is very fine hair.... Read More


Leaves are highly efficient solar energy converters. They capture light energy and through the process of photosynthesis.... Read More

Growth and Plant Hormones

Growth All living organisms begin in the same form: as a single cell. That cell will divide and the resulting cells will... Read More

Conditional-lethal mutant

Conditional-lethal mutant --> conditionally lethal mutant a viral mutant that can replicate under some (permissive)... Read More


Plant Definition A plant refers to any of the eukaryotic organisms of the biological kingdom Plantae, characterized by... Read More


Definition noun plural: fructooligosaccharides fruc·to·ol·i·go·sac·cha·ride, ɪhɡəʊˈsækəɹaɪd An... Read More


Definition noun, plural: protophloems The first phloem to develop from the procambium Supplement The phloem is a vascular... Read More

A Protein Being Born – a live cell imaging of RNA translation

You probably already heard the concepts of translation in the central dogma of molecular biology. The dogma is an... Read More

Light-dependent reaction

Many organisms, such as green plants, convert light energy into chemical energy through the mechanism of photosynthesis. In... Read More


Thermophiles Definition What are thermophiles? Let us first understand the literal meaning of the word ‘thermophile’.... Read More

Blindness – Evolutionary regression? Maybe not!

The recent Netflix's hit flick, Bird Box, surely startled the viewers with the thrilling scenarios revolving around the... Read More

Hallucination – Are we the only ones “seeing” things or animals hallucinate, too?

Hallucination is defined as perceiving something that seems real but in fact, it is not. Some references take it as a... Read More

Independent variable

Independent Variable Definition To define an independent variable, let us first understand what a variable is. The word... Read More


Among many psychological and psychiatric disorders, one is the fear of the ocean and the fear of deep water, which in... Read More

Book lungs

Book Lungs Definition Lungs are known as the organs that help organisms breathe. When we think of lungs, we think of the... Read More


Definition noun, plural: erythropoietins A glycoprotein hormone that regulates the production of red blood cells in the bone... Read More

Apical Dominance

a condition where vertical growth supercedes lateral growth in a plant. this is controlled by auxins, where in high... Read More


Definition noun, plural: chemoreceptors (1) A sensory nerve cell or sense organ, as of smell, or taste, that are able to... Read More


Definition noun The epithelial lining from the dentate line to the intersphincteric groove Supplement The anoderm refers... Read More


Mutagen Definition What is a mutagen? A mutagen is a substance or agent that causes DNA impairment that results in the... Read More