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Search Results for: transformation


Definition noun, plural: transformations (1) The act, state or process of changing, such as in form or structure; the... Read More

Spontaneous transformation

spontaneous transformation transformation of a cultured cell that occurs without the deliberate addition of a transforming... Read More


Bacteria Definition What are bacteria? What is the definition of bacteria in biology? Bacteria are defined as organisms... Read More

Lobry de bruyn-van ekenstein transformation

Lobry de bruyn-van ekenstein transformation The conversion of glucose to fructose and mannose in dilute alkali by... Read More

First-order kinetics

What is a First-Order Kinetics (First-Order Reaction)? First-order kinetics refers to a reaction wherein the overall rate... Read More


Exogenous Definition Exogenous is a word referring to a factor or event coming or contributing from outside a defined... Read More

At Home in the Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity

At Home in the Universe: The Search for the Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity  ... Read More


Definition noun, plural: rDNAs An abbreviation for the following terms: ribosomal DNA recombinant DNASupplement rDNA can... Read More

Antagonistic Muscle

Definition of Antagonistic Muscle What does the term “antagonistic” mean? As the name suggests, the word antagonistic... Read More


Definition noun (molecular biology) The process of deliberate introduction of nucleic acids into a recipient eukaryotic... Read More

Recombinant DNA

Definition noun Genetically-engineered DNA molecule formed by splicing fragments of DNA from a different source or from... Read More


Definition noun, plural: transmutation (1) (biology) The evolutionary transformation of one species to another, as... Read More


What are Pathogens? Pathogens are defined as microscopic organisms, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites that... Read More


Conjugation generally means the joining or coming together (union), such as in certain unicellular organisms (some bacteria,... Read More


operation 1. The act or process of operating; agency; the exertion of power, physical, mechanical, or moral. The pain and... Read More

Nuclear body

Definition noun plural: nuclear bodies nu·cle·ar bod‧y, ˈnjuː.kli.ər ˈbɒdi Any of the prominent non-membraned,... Read More


Thermophiles Definition What are thermophiles? Let us first understand the literal meaning of the word ‘thermophile’.... Read More


Definition noun, plural: elaioplasts (botany) A leucoplast that stores oil Supplement Plastids are organelles involved in... Read More

Reducing sugar

Reducing Sugar Definition What is reducing sugar? The type of sugar that acts as the reducing agent and can effectively... Read More


Osteocyte Definition The osteocyte is a mature bone cell. Other bone cell types are osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, and... Read More

Positive feedback

Positive Feedback Definition Each mechanism of the body like temperature, blood pressure, and levels of specific nutrients... Read More


Epistasis Definition What is epistasis in genetics? How does epistasis occur? The epistasis definition, in biology, refers... Read More

Genetic Engineering Advantages & Disadvantages

 Through genetic engineering, scientists are able to move desirable genes from one plant or animal to another or... Read More


Bioaccumulation - a general term for the accumulation of substances, such as pesticides (ddt is an example), methylmercury,... Read More


Spermiogenesis Definition Spermiogenesis is the stage of spermatogenesis wherein the spermatids differentiate into mature... Read More


Definition noun, plural: hepatocytes Any of the large, polygonal-shaped cells in the liver. Supplement Hepatocytes are the... Read More

Consciousness and Behavior

States of Consciousness Defined either by (1) behavior - ranging from attentive and alert to coma and (2) electrical... Read More

Intercalary meristem

The basic structural framework of plants is composed of different types of tissues. Based upon the capacity to divide, the... Read More

Genetic Information and Protein Synthesis

Genetic Code Genes are sequences of DNA nucleotides that carry and transmit the information specifying amino acid sequences... Read More

Double stranded DNA virus

Definition noun Any of the viruses belonging to the Class I of Baltimore classification system characterized by having a... Read More


Definition noun A mechanical method of delivering molecules into the cell using sound, e.g. ultrasonic... Read More

Anchorage independence

Definition noun A condition in which a cell maintains its capacity to spread, divide and function despite of the absence of... Read More

Systema Naturae

Definition noun A book of binomial nomenclature introduced by a Swedish botanist, zoologist and physician Carolous... Read More

Plant Metabolism

Introduction Plants are responsible for incredible feats of molecular transformation. The processes are always being... Read More


Enzymes are biological catalysts that can increase the rate of chemical reactions in living organisms. Enzymes can only... Read More


Definition noun, plural: ketoses A monosaccharide with a ketone as its carbonyl group Supplement A carbohydrate is an... Read More


Definition noun, plural: electroporations A non-chemical method that transfers the genetic material into the recipient cell... Read More


Definition noun, plural: amoeboids (1) A group of protozoans characterized by their amoeboid movement by means of temporary... Read More


B-cell (Science: haematology, immunology) a type of lymphocyte normally involved in the production of antibodies to combat... Read More

Group translocation

Group Translocation Definition Just like your “home” is a private place where you and your comfort are maintained due... Read More