Biology Tutorials > Freshwater Ecology > Freshwater Lentic Communities & Animals

Freshwater Lentic Communities & Animals

Pink Lotus plant on a pond

Pink Lotus plant on a pond

Plants that live partially or completely submerged in water are deemed hydrophytes. A form of symbiosis occurs with these hydrophyte plants, which provide means for algae and other organisms to survive in the surrounding environment. This is because the hydrophytes provide the conditions for the likes of algae and bacteria to survive in the environment. In return, herbivore animals tend to feed on this rich blanket of algae as opposed to the plants themselves, therefore protecting them from being consumed.

Animals in this environment feed on this algae, and also upon the detritus matter, the organic material that is rich on the water bed. It is an area of abundant organic material because the plants that survive in this area provide a source of food, and also a source of shelter which can provide protection from predators or a location to hatch offspring in a closed protected area.

This energy-rich environment and suitable conditions allows a wide range of aquatic animals to successfully breed an survive in the area.

Particularly, herbivores thrive in these niches of the community, as there is a rich source of food (plants) growing from the nutrient-rich soil.




Choose the best answer.

1. Hydrophytes are plants that live submerged in water.

2. Hydrophytes provide the conditions for algae and bacteria to survive in the environment.

3. Herbivores feed on plant-based material.

4. The water bed is generally rich in detritus matter.

5. The nutrient-rich water bed promotes plant growth.

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Biology Tutorials > Freshwater Ecology > Freshwater Lentic Communities & Animals

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