Biology Dictionary: C
Search or browse the dictionary for the definition of biology terms starting with the letter “C”.
Dictionary > C
- C polysaccharide
- C value
- C3 carbon fixation pathway
- C3 plant
- C4 carbon fixation pathway
- C4 cycle
- C4 plant
- Ca
- Cactoidea
- Cactus
- Cadherin
- Caecum
- Caffeine
- Calcareous
- Calcidiol
- Calcification
- Calcium metabolism
- Calorie
- Calorimeter
- Calvin cycle
- Calvin-Benson cycle
- Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle
- Calyx
- CAM plant
- Cambium
- Camelid
- Canaliculus
- Canaliculus innominatus
- Canalis incisivus
- Canalis palatinus major
- Cancellous bone
- Cancer
- Candida albicans
- Cannibalism
- Canopy
- Canthotomy
- Canthus
- Capillary action
- Capillary fragility test
- Capillary permeability
- Capping
- Capsid
- Capsomere
- Capsular space
- Capsule
- Carapace
- Carbohydrate
- Carbohydrate sequence
- Carbon
- Carbon dioxide
- Carbon fixation
- Carbon monoxide
- Carbon-12
- Carbonate
- Carboxyl group
- Carboxysome
- Carcass
- Carcinology
- Cardiac muscle
- Cardiac notch of left lung
- Cardinal points
- Cardinals
- Cardiotonic agent
- Cardiovascular system
- Carminative Enema
- Carnivore
- Carnivorous diet
- Carotene
- Carotenoid
- Carpal bones
- Carpel
- Carpospore
- Carrier
- Carrier protein
- Carrier state
- Carrots
- Carrying capacity
- Cartilage
- Cartilage cell
- Cartilaginous joint
- Caryopsis
- Cascade
- Caseinase
- Casparian strip
- Cast
- Castor oil enema
- Castration
- Castration cells
- Cat
- Catabolic pathway
- Catabolism
- Catalase
- Catalysis
- Catalyst
- Catalyze
- Catarrhine
- Catch muscle
- Cation
- Cavity
- Cell
- Cell adhesion
- Cell body
- Cell center
- Cell culture
- Cell cycle
- Cell death
- Cell determination
- Cell differentiation
- Cell division
- Cell Fate
- Cell growth
- Cell immobilization
- Cell inclusion
- Cell junction
- Cell line
- Cell locomotion
- Cell matrix
- Cell membrane
- Cell membrane permeability
- Cell morphology
- Cell plate
- Cell recognition
- Cell sap
- Cell signaling
- Cell strains
- Cell theory
- Cell wall
- Cell-mediated immunity
- Cellobiose
- Cellulae mastoideae
- Cellular
- Cellular respiration
- Cellulose
- Celom
- Cenesthesia
- Central canal
- Central metal ion
- Central nervous system
- Centric Fragment
- Centrolecithal egg
- Centromere
- Centromeric index
- Centrosome
- Centrum of a vertebra
- Cephalad
- Cephalea
- Cephalochordate
- Cephalodynia
- Cercaria
- Cerebral hemisphere
- Cerebral hemispheres
- Cerebroside
- Cerebrospinal fluid
- Cerebrum
- Cestoda
- Cestode
- Chalone
- Chambers
- Chameleon
- Change
- Chara
- Characean algae
- Characteristic
- Characterization
- Chargaffs rules
- Charophyta
- Chelating agent
- Chelating agents
- Chelicera
- Chelicerate
- Chelidon
- Chemical bond
- Chemical reaction
- Chemical taxonomy
- Chemiosmosis
- Chemiosmotic coupling
- Chemiosmotic coupling hypothesis
- Chemiosmotic hypothesis
- Chemiosmotic theory
- Chemoautotroph
- Chemoheterotroph
- Chemokine
- Chemokinesis
- Chemolithotroph
- Chemoreceptor
- Chemosynthesis
- Chemotaxis
- Chemotaxonomy
- Chemotherapeutic index
- Chemotherapy
- Chemotroph
- Chemotropism
- Chest
- Chiasma
- Chickenpox
- Chills
- Chimera
- Chiral
- Chirospasm
- Chitin
- Chitobiose
- Chlorenchyma
- Chlorophyll
- Chlorophyll a
- Chlorophyll c
- Chlorophyll d
- Chlorophyll e
- Chlorophyta
- Chloroplast
- Chloroplast DNA
- Chlorosis
- Chlorosome
- Choanate
- Choanoflagellate
- Choanomastigote
- Choleperitonitis
- Cholesterol
- Chondrichthyes
- Chondroblast
- Chondrocyte
- Chordata
- Chorion
- Chorionic villus sampling
- Christmas factor
- Chromaffin cell
- Chromatids
- Chromatin
- Chromatin body
- Chromatophore
- Chrome
- Chromomere
- Chromoplast
- Chromosomal crossover
- Chromosomal inversion
- Chromosomal mutation
- Chromosomal rna
- Chromosome
- Chromosome 2
- Chromosome rosette
- Chronaxia
- Chronaxie
- Chronic disease
- Chronobiologist
- Chronobiology
- Chrysophyta
- Chyle
- Chyle cistern
- Chylomicron
- Ciliate
- Cilium
- Circadian rhythm
- Circinate
- Circinate retinopathy
- Circular muscles
- Circulation
- Circulatory fluid
- Circulatory system
- Circulus arteriosus iridis minor
- Circumduction gait
- Cirrus
- Cis fatty acid
- Cis trans test
- Cistern
- Cisterna
- Cisterna ambiens
- Cisterna pontis
- Citric Acid Cycle
- Cl
- Cladophyll
- Clamp connection
- Clasp-knife rigidity
- Class
- Classical conditioning
- Classification system
- Clavata
- Cleansing enema
- Cleavage
- Cleavage product
- Cleavage site
- Climacteric
- Clinical
- Clinical anatomy
- Clinical medicine
- Clinical neuroscience
- Clinical syndrome
- Clinical trial
- Clitellum
- Clone
- Cloning
- Cloning vector
- Clonorchis sinensis
- Closed circulatory system
- Clostridium tetani
- Clouding of consciousness
- Cloudy swelling
- Cnidoblast
- Cnidocyst
- Cnidocyte
- Coagulation
- Coarse adjustment knob
- Coated pits
- Coated vesicles
- Coccidia
- Coccus
- Coccygeal spinal nerve
- Cochlear duct
- Code
- Codominance
- Codominant trait
- Codon
- Codon initiator
- Coelom
- Coenzyme
- Cofactor
- Coffee
- Cognate
- Cognition
- Cohesion
- Cohesion Tension Theory
- Cohesive end
- Cohort
- Coils
- Colcemid
- Cole-cecil murmur
- Collaboration
- Collagen
- Collagen fiber
- Collarette
- Collenchyma
- Colonization
- Colony
- Colony-forming unit
- Colostrum
- Colour blindness
- Columella nasi
- Columnae carneae
- Columnar epithelium
- Comb plate
- Commensalism
- Common lymphoid progenitor cell
- Common name
- Common tendinous ring
- Common vehicle spread
- Communicable disease
- Community (biology)
- Compact bone
- Compact substance
- Companion cell
- Comparative physiology
- Compensatory
- Competence
- Competition
- Competitive binding assay
- Complement
- Complement fixation test
- Complementary air
- Complementary base pairing
- Complementary DNA
- Complementary strands
- Complete dominance
- Complete metamorphosis
- Complete penetrance
- Complete tetanus
- Complex
- Complex learning processes
- Complexity
- Complication
- Component
- Components
- Composition
- Compound
- Compound microscope
- Compound names
- Compressed tablet
- Concentration
- Concentration gradient
- Concentric lamella
- Concurrent disinfection
- Condensation polymer
- Condenser
- Conditional mutation
- Conditional-lethal mutant
- Conduction
- Condyloid joint
- Cone
- Conformation
- Conformational change
- Congeneric
- Congestion
- Conjugate
- Conjugated protein
- Conjugation
- Conjunctival sac
- Connective tissue
- Consanguinity
- Conservation
- Conservation of energy
- Conserved sequence
- Conspecific
- Constipation
- Constitution
- Constitutive enzyme
- Constitutive expression
- Constitutive gene
- Constitutive heterochromatin
- Constitutive heterochromatin banding
- Constitutive mutant
- Constriction
- Constrictions of ureter
- Consumer
- Consumption
- Contact inhibition of cell division
- Contagious disease
- Contamination
- Contiguous map
- Contingency table
- Continuous variation
- Contour lines of owen
- Contract
- Contractile vacuole
- Contraction
- Contrast enhancement
- Control
- Control element
- Control variable
- Controlled experiment
- Controlled variable
- Convalescent period
- Convalescent serum
- Convergence
- Convergent evolution
- Convoluted
- Convoluted seminiferous tubule
- Convolutions
- Coordinate covalent bond
- Coordination
- Coprophagia
- Copula
- Copulation
- Copy choice
- Coracidium
- Coral
- Coral polyp
- Cork
- Cork cambium
- Cormophyte
- Cornea
- Cornification
- Corona
- Coronary
- coronavirus COVID-19
- Corpus
- Corpus adiposum
- Corpus luteum
- Corpus sterni
- Corpusculum tactus
- Corrugator cutis muscle of anus
- Cortex
- Cortex glandulae suprarenalis
- Cortical convexity
- Cortical substance
- Corticosteroid
- Corticotroph
- Corynebacterium xerosis
- Costa
- Costal arch
- Costal tuberosity
- Cotransport
- Cotyledon
- Cotyloid ligament
- Counterstain
- Coupled reaction
- Coupling
- Coupling phase
- Courvoisiers law
- Covalent bond
- Covalently closed circular dna
- Coverslip
- Cpk
- Crabs
- Crabtree effect
- Crampton test
- Cranial nerve
- Cranium cerebrale
- Cranium viscerale
- Crease
- Crenation
- Cretinism
- Crevice
- Crevicular epithelium
- Crista urethralis masculinae
- Cristae
- Criterion
- Critical concentration
- Critically endangered species
- Crocodile
- Crocodilia
- Crop
- Crop yield
- Cross-linking
- Cross-pollination
- Cross-section
- Cross-sectional study
- Cross-sections
- Crossbreed
- Crossbreeding
- Crowing inspiration
- Crown of head
- Crus
- Crus sinistrum fasciculi atrioventricularis
- Crustacean
- Crypt
- Cryptomonad
- Cubital fossa
- Cuboidal epithelium
- Culm
- Cultivar
- Cultivated yeast
- Culture
- Culture media
- Culture medium
- Cultured
- Cumulus ovaricus
- Curare
- Curarine
- Curvatura ventriculi minor
- Cushion
- Cuspid tooth
- Cut
- Cuticle
- Cutin
- Cuttings
- Cyanobacteria
- Cyclic
- Cyclic adenosine monophosphate
- Cyclic compound
- Cyclic guanosine monophosphate
- Cyclins
- Cyclosis
- Cyclozoonosis
- Cysteine
- Cystic fibrosis
- Cytidine
- Cytidine monophosphate
- Cytidine triphosphate
- Cytogenetics
- Cytokinesis
- Cytokinin
- Cytolemma
- Cytology
- Cytolysis
- Cytomorphology
- Cytopharynx
- Cytophylactic
- Cytoplasm
- Cytoplasmic bridge
- Cytoplasmic matrix
- Cytosine
- Cytoskeleton
- Cytosmear
- Cytosol
- Cytotoxic T cell